November Break Assignment

I try not to assign any material or task that I feel does not offer meaningful mathematical gains. There are several large ideas explored in this unit that should stay with you as you develop into an insightful and reflective adult. Take this time off to summarize and connect these critical ideas.
Complete the following tasks during this November break:
1) Type and print your Rough draft for the Aftermath. Include this in a completed portfolio with a printed unit sheet, evaluate list (with checkboxes and scales filled out.) Organize all the material by the ideas described on the unit sheet. Due Friday Nov 30th
2) Your task is to explore imaginary numbers. The aim is to understand why we study these numbers, why we came to except them despite their misleading and confusing nature, and finally how these extra numbers help explain missing solutions to useful questions.
Do the following for your November assignment:
1) Take Cornell notes on each video as described in the November break sheet . Focus on the conceptual knowledge presented and the big picture of each idea.
2) Summarize your notes by answering the Essential questions in short paragraph format
3) Collect all your work and organize it into a portfolio